Lily Pink Rose Bouquet
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Five luscious and blooming roses are paired with three sweetly scented lilies in our picture-perfect Lily Pink Rose bouquet. This combination of popular flowers is complemented by some beautiful gypsophila, more commonly known as baby’s breath. It’s an ideal bouquet for the birth of a baby girl or to show someone you’re thinking of them
No two bouquets from Belles Fleurs are ever the same. Each and every bouquet we create is made to order, and therefore truly unique.
Please note that as we move from season to season, we may substitute some of the flowers shown in the product image. The replacements in this case will maintain the colour, texture and vibrancy of the bouquet shown. The finished bouquet in this case will always add up to the total value paid.
If you have a preference of colour, you can add that in the order comments and we will do our very best to look after you.
No two bouquets from Belles Fleurs are ever the same. Each and every bouquet we create is made to order, and therefore truly unique.
Please note that as we move from season to season, we may substitute some of the flowers shown in the product image. The replacements in this case will maintain the colour, texture and vibrancy of the bouquet shown. The finished bouquet in this case will always add up to the total value paid.
If you have a preference of colour, you can add that in the order comments and we will do our very best to look after you.
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