Are you keen to start planting bulbs for Spring? Or maybe you want to brighten up your home with some long-lasting flowers? When you choose seasonal flowers, not only do they last longer, they also have a lesser impact on the environment. There are so many beautiful flowers in season every month so we can include more unusual varieties and styles to create a more eye-catching, unique display. Our nationwide delivery service allows us to deliver the freshest flowers to Blanchardstown, Walkinstown, Tallaght, Castleknock and anywhere else in Ireland
Hydrangeas are one of the most stunning, eye-catching flowers to include in any flower arrangement, especially wedding bouquets. February is an ideal time to prune and propagate these gorgeous colourful blooms and include them in flower arrangements that welcome the beginning of the Spring season. They do not last long after they’re cut but careful preparation and precision by our Dublin florist team will ensure longevity.
Early Daffodils
Is there anything that says spring more than a bouquet of daffodils? Blooming in beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and white, daffodils are an early sign that spring has sprung. They are one of the easiest, most low maintenance in the gardening world and if planted at the right time will return year after year. Daffodils are best to display in a vase on their own, as they excrete a chemical that can reduce the life of other cut blooms.
The primrose is a popular indoor or outdoor plant at this time of the year. They present in a range of colours and shapes, most commonly with five petals that become yellow toward the centre. The most common colours for primrose are purple, white, red and pink. Primroses symbolize youth or young love, a perfect way to show affection in the most romantic month of the year.
Have you ever seen an arrangement of Crocuses in a vase? These stunning, brightly coloured blooms sing of the new life that comes in Spring. Spring-flowering crocus bulbs (Crocus vernus) placed in a vase of water will bloom indoors to brighten up your home with their purple and white cup-shaped blooms and grassy foliage. They tend not to last long once cut so enjoy them while you can!
Snowdrops (Galanthus) are one of the earliest bulbs to flower, often referred to as the first flower of Spring. They look especially beautiful when planted in drifts. The scented blooms are ideal for a spring bouquet and require very little maintenance. Display these dainty blooms in a small vase or clean jar on their own to enjoy them for the longest time.
Belles Fleurs florist in Blanchardstown and our online florist, promise only the best quality, freshest blooms delivered nationwide. Each of our bouquets is designed, arranged and hand-tied in house by our talented team of florists. We look forward to brightening up your day with a spring bouquet delivery in Dublin 15, Dublin 12, Dublin 20 and anywhere else in the country.