There is no flower that symbolises love and romance more than a classic red rose If you really want to impress someone you love this Valentines Day, roses are guaranteed to send a message. Whether you want a single red rose, a dozen long stems or an over-the-top bouquet of 101 roses, Belles Fleurs can provide. Ordering a bouquet of roses for Valentines Day is easy. Call, text, email, browse our online florist or drop into our florist shop in Blanchardstown. Remember Valentines is the busiest day of the year for florists so be sure to pre-order you’re a bouquet of roses as soon as possible!
Why Choose Roses?
Roses are popular as a Valentines flower for their beauty, their vibrant colours and variations and the delightful fragrance. The enhance any room or space they occupy bringing an air of opulence and a delicate scent that the most expensive perfume cannot emulate. Roses come in a range of colours, and each has a different meaning. Yellow roses symbolise friendship, white roses symbolise purity and red roses, the most impressive of all, symbolise love and romance. Not many flowers are stunning in a bouquet by themselves, but roses are. A single rose is just as powerful as a dozen.
Care of Roses
Taking care of roses is important so you can enjoy them at home for as long as possible. Roses, like any other flower need plenty of clean water, a good environment and a little attention to keep them looking good for a week or more. When you get your bouquet, clean and sterilise a large vase and half fill with tepid water. Add whatever flower food is provided with the bunch. Snip about half an inch off the end of each stem at an angle and remove any leaves or debris from below the water line. Replace the water after 2 days and top up as needed, removing any wilting stems. Keep your flowers in the middle of the room, away from extreme heat and cold, and enjoy them for as long as they last!
A Dozen Red Roses for Delivery
Belles Fleurs flowers always send the right message. Whether you are hoping to ask someone special on a first date, celebrating your first Valentines as a couple or have been together for 20 years, a delivery of fresh red roses to their home or workplace will always impress. If your love doesn’t care for red roses, we have white, pink and yellow to choose from. If you’re not sure about roses, we can create a bouquet with a stunning variety of blooms that’s sure to blow them away this Valentines.
Why stop at just flowers? Make your Valentines gift stand out this year by adding a very special gift to your delivery. We have romantic cards (we’ll even write it for you!), cute teddys, scented candles, delicious chocolates and helium balloons as extras you can add onto your delivery. Contact Belles Fleurs for a romantic Valentines flower delivery in Dublin or anywhere in Ireland.