We’ve discussed before the importance of choosing flowers that are in season but it’s equally as important to choose native and locally grown flowers to be part of your fresh flower bouquet or to grow in your garden. More native flowers in our landscape mean more native pollinators and other insects. More flowers mean more fruits and seeds leaving a thriving environment for wild, human and insect life. If you’d like to order a nationwide flower delivery which includes native Irish flowers, call our team in our Blanchardstown flower shop or browse our online florist to get an idea of our work.
Cowslips have been noticeably absent from Irish gardens for a long time due to intensive farming and over-picking but they’re finally starting to make a comeback. These pretty delicate blooms come in a yellow/orange colour. The head of the flower has five or so connected petals peeping out of a long, hairy stem. They bloom naturally in April & May depending on the weather. They’re in the same family as primrose and make a beautiful addition to an outdoor flower arrangement or can be formed into a beautiful bright bouquet with other Spring flowers.
While the tulip does not originate in Ireland, they are grown here in abundance. Despite being the quintessential Dutch flower, tulips are native to Asia, specifically Persia and Turkey. The bright, striking flower comes in an array of varieties and colours and they last almost 10 days at home when harvested at the perfect time. The tulip is composed of solitary bell-shaped petals and three sepals on a flexible but stiff stem, ideal to display along or as part of a bouquet or arrangement. The flower buds are known for being perfectly symmetrical and the variety of colours makes them an ideal choice no matter the colour scheme.
Sea Aster
Have you ever heard of Sea Aster? A popular native Irish wildflower, sea aster is most commonly found along the Irish coastline, in saltmarshes, near estuaries or other bodies of salty water. The plant is incredibly hardy and can flourish with very little soil, holding on to a cliff face or partially submerged in salt water. The plant flowers from July to October and is perennial meaning it returns for several years. You’ll know a sea aster by its purple or blue, daisy-like blooms with a bright yellow centre.
Although arguably not exactly a flower, the shamrock is a small clover which is now the national flower of Ireland. It was once an important symbol for Irish druids, showing the triad of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost on its three heart-shaped leaves. St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland was said to introduce this teaching and the pretty little plant is worn proudly on March 17 th each year. It’s a brilliant pot plant or a quirky addition to a wedding centrepiece or bouquet.
Easter Lily
The Lily is an unmistakable flower, with striking looks and a distinct sweet smell. It is a perennial bulb with large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers. The Easter Lily is stem rooted and can grow up to 1 metre high and they thrive in the cool climate and moist soils of Ireland. The Easter Lily owes its common name to the tradition of wearing it as a remembrance for those who have lost their lives for their country in the Easter Rising, as well as of the resurrection of Christ at Easter time.
If you’d like a native flower bouquet delivered to Dublin or anywhere in Ireland, Belles Fleurs can help. Call and speak to one of our talented team in our Blanchardstown florist, give us some details and we’ll do the rest.